
Search "user:AtalanteChess"

62 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How do I improve at endgames at 1550 lichess elo (blitz)#12

#8 and #11 are spot on. I don't care anymore about theoretical endgames at my level. I worked through de la Villa's 100 Endgames You Must Know twice a few years back, and I am pretty sure I forgot mos…

General Chess Discussion - My Chess Study Plan#10

@griffindabeast said in #8: > @Sarg0n 1800 is a pretty low rating and a pretty reasonable goal. Just know it said 2300 yesterday, not 1800. The link in the original post still says 2300.

General Chess Discussion - My Chess Study Plan#3

All the heavy lifting (your book study etc) is good for showing off, just don't expect to win knife fights with it.

General Chess Discussion - how do you check mate with knight and bishop?#12

I already gave my incredibly funny answer, but I indeed made a study on the B+N mate under my very first lichess and chess account (those were the times) some three years ago where I cover the lines g…

General Chess Discussion - how do you check mate with knight and bishop?#2

I don't. I offer draw.

General Chess Discussion - Questions from a player stuck at 800-900 for over 4 years#9

Are you seriously arguing with way stronger players instead of respecting their advice? How would that help you improve? This is probably your usual behaviour, now look where it took you. In four year…

General Chess Discussion - Questions from a player stuck at 800-900 for over 4 years#2

Opening does matter a lot, though not theory. Acquaint yourself with opening principles and try to follow them in your games. After each game analyze if you indeed followed through with principled pla…

General Chess Discussion - Study plan for a newbie#2

You are playing a decent time control (15+10), you are analyzing your games, better than most here. As a beginner it's important to do many tactics, lichess tactics are fine, just make sure not to get…

General Chess Discussion - Best ways to improve rating?#27

Bro why would I care you are from Turkey? What's that got to do with anything?

General Chess Discussion - Best ways to improve rating?#25

@HyperioXHell Bruh, no shit?! But actually I wasn't summing up your post but #21.
