
how do you check mate with knight and bishop?

I already gave my incredibly funny answer, but I indeed made a study on the B+N mate under my very first lichess and chess account (those were the times) some three years ago where I cover the lines given by Stjepan Tomic (Hanging Pawns Youtube Channel), Varuzhan Akobian, Niklas Huschenbeth and Jésus de la Villa (from his book 100 Endgames You Must Know). Only the w shape method is covered. Stjepan did some inaccuracies which I ironed out for optimal learning experience, Akobian and Huschenbeth did fine. I second #11, Akobian is a great teacher (some very good videos by him). De la Villa on the other hand got much critical acclaim for his book 100 Endgames You Must Know, but I am of the firm belief that he absolutely butchered the B+N endgame. It's inconsistent and he doesn't even follow his own words, claiming he will draw a W, then stopping at V\ and starting to build a "cage" instead of just pulling through with the method. He mingles two methods without any need, complicating the whole process significantly (it's complicated enough as it stands). (Note that it only shows the first example here. You got to open the study properly by clicking on the three dots and then "view on lichess" to see the other three examples.)

The reason I gave up on mastering this endgame is that I lack confidence in my ability to reliably drive the king into the right position for the w-manoeuvre. The king will be somewhere on the board and I need to drive him to the edge of the board and what-not. At least three years ago I gave up on it. The method itself is not too hard, actually. There is also another method know as Délétang's triangle, which might be more reliable if you are struggling with driving the king up to the corner, I never really tried learning it though.

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