
Search "user:vgc7"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why does Lichess TV (on mobile) change games before it's finished? #2

Maybe there could be a simple way to put a hold on the game so you can keep reviewing it, through to completion. I think one of the reasons it does a switch is to keep showing a high rated game as the…

Lichess Feedback - Display a clock in analysis board#10

Using an average chess game length of 55 moves, I get about 88GB required storage (16 bytes for two timestamps, per move number) for a hundred million games and with an average chess game length of 40…

Lichess Feedback - Let's Encrypt Lichess??#3

Maybe a donation of hardware could be made for an HTTPS load balancer front end. This is the piece of equipment that contains the actual server certificate. Another idea is to have additional javascri…

Lichess Feedback - Reporting Anonymous#7

Perhaps the Anonymous chat could have a thumbs down button, that together with the IP would also take into consideration the browser version. For example if I'm on Google Chrome version 45 and I get m…

Lichess Feedback - Pieces lag behind a cursor.#7

It might have to do with whether the body of the page has an onmousemove="changePos(event)" or individual spans do (from my experiments with this I don't think a div can have one.) There could be a pe…

Lichess Feedback - Possibility to save exact move times using player's computer.#3

Some places to put this in might be, when you mouse over the move number (in the move listing area) it would show you the local time stamps for the pair of moves played. And then perhaps in the analys…

Lichess Feedback - Chess Engine request (user supplied) via SSH, or JSON (REST) #1

I see that stockfish is available at various strengths on the server side. However I was curious if there are any plans or posts here already regarding a user supplied chess server. It would work by c…
