
Search "user:KK_aka_nemo"

25 forum posts
Game analysis - AntiChess, how did he lose?#5

It's surely somehow possible to write a program that directly connects an antichess engine to the GUI. Why shouldn't computers be able to play anti chess? They easily beat any human.

Game analysis - AntiChess, how did he lose?#2

Wasn't 19...a5 an easy win? 20. Bxb7 d5 21. Bxd5 a4 22. Bb3 axb3 23. cxb3 0-1

General Chess Discussion - Tournaments Ratings vs Normal Ratings - Berserk Mode#5

I like the idea of a beserk rating. Because when you play you want to play against someone who is about equal in strength. If one side often berserks thats not the case. Even if beserking is not influ…

General Chess Discussion - Antichess#14

Btw, there exist 6 men tablebases for antichess and everyone can generate them himself with the syzygy code.

General Chess Discussion - Antichess#13

I don't see how people claim this to be stalemate. If black gets the white h pawn then its simply draw by insufficient material. But for the h pawn there is not even the possibility to lock in the bis…

General Chess Discussion - Antichess#3

How should bishop takes knight be stalemate? White can move with the bishop still. I agree with topalov12 that it should be draw. I guess thats a bug. (which is not so surprising since it can be quite…

Lichess Feedback - Marathon endurance trophy#6

EDIT: *professional boxing Where is the edit button?

Lichess Feedback - Marathon endurance trophy#5

Why should there be big physical harm? I mean, you don't just die just because you don't sleep for 24h. In a 48h marathon you might have a point but not in the 24h one. Besides: People also get reward…

Game analysis - White gets mated in 20 moves making 1 mistake and 0 blunders#17

Sure, you may not have thought of a bug report. But it IS a bug that should be reported. So you accidentially may help lichess. :D

Game analysis - White gets mated in 20 moves making 1 mistake and 0 blunders#11

This analyzing tool is meant to analyze online games or similar. If you even call that moves bad then in an online game you have to call the majority of moves bad (i.e. I think it's okay that those ar…
