

I just had the following game in Antichess:

I lost by time. But this should not be possible, since it can impossibly been won by white. there is no possible (legal) moves that lead to anything better for white than opposite coulered bishop draw. So why was this not a draw?
After Bishop takes knight in that position, white actually wins by stalemate.
How should bishop takes knight be stalemate? White can move with the bishop still. I agree with topalov12 that it should be draw. I guess thats a bug. (which is not so surprising since it can be quite difficult to determine if one side can win by a computer (even if in that special position tablebases would simply state it)).
43.. BxN
44 (any move by white) (Black Bishop forced to move)
45 h3 Bxh3
you lost that match because you were timed out!! otherwise that match was simply leading to a draw as black had white bishop and white had black but they could not get rid of each other...
It isn't a draw, because *hypothetically* he might mess up, allowing you to win. Which, ironically, is why you lost. xD
I agree with #7, your possibility to have won led to your evident loss.
If only it were that simple.

knives: The draw you posted was easy to analyze as such: because black doesn't have anything but a king, he cannot win, __by definition__. The antichess game in question involves a situation where the player couldn't lose, but this is observational, and only a rule for very specific positions.

It would be foolish to put a blanket rule in place to categorize any endgame, where one player only has a bishop and the opposing player has a bishop of opposing color, as a draw, because as DanDan2016 mentioned (incorrectly, but the point still stands), the position could lead to some type of forced stalemate.

The situation could of course be solved with tablebases, but to my knowledge no Antichess/suicide chess tablebases exist. An AI searching for the worst possible move could work, but would be processing intensive, and we don't even have an AI for Antichess to begin with!

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