
if higher educated people know better and they run the world,why does the world suck so much?

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One gets hanged because he killed 3 at the midnight tree, 1 takes drugs but why he takes it they don't care it's the drugs. Why did the guy hanged at the midnight tree killed 3?
@unitywolf said in #33:
> It would suck even more if ruled by not educated

It would really suck believe me what is a pain today will just be warm up tomorrow that the next ruler is better educated.
You can't keep play cowboy on all corners of the world for ya interests and don't have consequences while 1 is in silence building up an anti your warfare machines and battleships, ok? Also on A.I. integration and many other facets. Now you think I'm a commie? No, I live in E.U. currently.
Already look at your streets and people sleeping in their car's because the rent is higher then their income, you $ inflates deeper and deeper no matter how much arms you sell to make conflicts, because it's all about that, war is profitable until you meet 1 that has more capabilities...
edit: working people sleep in their car...
It's a decline bro, and we all in it now.
edit: mostly if they fund many parties with billions in Europe and Mid east and like I said , all corners.
It is because demons have gotten into positions of power, decision-making, money, and influence...
@deafdrummer said in #38:
> It is because demons have gotten into positions of power, decision-making, money, and influence...

nah it's just sinful hum- wait sorry i forgot that everybody is just naturally good :|
I'm pretty sure most of the higher educated presidents only got in those schools because their parents paid for it.

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