
Lichess Premove Competition

We all know that, as a non-profit organization, is competing in numbers with the website itself, and Lichess has done and generally is doing well to maintain a strong competent free competitor as an independent chess website with no profit incentive. Lichess' worst problem, and one of the biggest reasons professionals and newbies alike prefer is because of Lichess' little single-move premove limit. Premoves are a determining factor in low-time end games, and are major aspects of all online play as a whole.

As an avid enjoyer of this website and its nature of free analysis and complete lack of a pay wall for any important chess features, this is crippling and will continue to cripple its support and will continue on this path to kill Lichess in the realm of professional play of chess online.

I thank any and all members of administration who take the time out of their day to consider this.
I don't think this adds up.

As far as I remember, premoving on always comes with a time penalty (100ms?), so in reality you can play much faster on lichess.

This also confirms my personal experience. On, I have a hard time on 1+0 to not time out, and even 1+1 is still challenging by comparison to 1+0 on lichess. For me bullet on is hardly playable at all (from Europe with good connection).
@unavusum takes 0.1 for every premove not matter what
lichess does not meaning multiple premoves could lead to you gaining time due to lag comp

also if you " this is crippling and will continue to cripple its support and will continue on this path to kill Lichess in the realm of professional play of chess online.
" believe that not having multiple premoves is killing lichess then maybe you need to redefine what is a chess site.

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