
How to combat time trouble?

From a very young age I've faced time problem, ruining games I was playing well. So little by little my chess style became more positional, avoiding long calculations. There were few complex combinations in my games. This was not the only measure I took to avoid this difficulty, but it was one that worked for me. How do you combat time trouble?
I was looking for perfection in every move. In addition I was constantly afraid of being wrong. So I always strive to avoid those flaws.
I suspect that, in my case, part of the problem was a tendency to pointless dither. (“After 1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3, what will happen if I try to grab another pawn?”)
I try to have my openings well prepared. That gives me confidence and so I can avoid time trouble.
Well, for one thing I only call it "time trouble" if I'm playing OTB controls. Blitz does not have "time trouble."
After every move, I always write down the time still have on the clock. That works well for me to fight time trouble.
@Professor74 said in #1:
> How do you combat time trouble?
I dont. Im not playing against the clock, im playing against another player.
I rather lose by time in a winning position than losing the game because I rushed moves.

I move at my pace, take my time when I need, and by the time I have 30 secs or so, I should be entering the endgame, its usually straight forward from here, you can usually move faster.

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