
Benefits of Chess

Pleasant hours spent in an extremely intriguing game. With a positive impact on mood, which I think can certainly be considered a benefit.
Sincerely I don't see other benefits, but what I have described is definitely very good.
If you are talking online chess, pure entertainment. Satisfaction if you win. Humility when you don't.

OTB all of the above plus the social aspects too.
It provides physical healing for me. Especially after a horrifically bonehead blunder and i kick the fecking coffee table, breaking my big toe in the process. Then...the healing process begins. Zen.
- A game that can create bonds and friendships.

- A good way to interact with other cultures!
@Akbar2thegreat said in #9:
> Critical thinking, emotional intelligence, constructive strategising, situational analysis are some factors that chess helps us in our lives.
Did you copy that from google?
@satishnsb said in #19:
> Did you copy that from google?
Nah dude. I am not idle enough to search on web for posting something in forums here.

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