
Turnirji švicarskega formata

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In a Swiss tournament (wiki), each competitor does not necessarily play all other entrants. Competitors meet one-on-one in each round and are paired using a set of rules designed to ensure that each competitor plays opponents with a similar running score, but not the same opponent more than once. The winner is the competitor with the highest aggregate points earned in all rounds. All competitors play in each round unless there is an odd number of players.

Swiss tournaments can only be created by team leaders, and can only be played by team members.
Join or create a team to start playing in Swiss tournaments.

ComparisonTurnirji v areniTurnirji švicarskega formata
Duration of the tournamentPredefined duration in minutesPredefined max rounds, but duration unknown
Number of gamesAs many as can be played in the allotted durationDecided in advance, same for all players
Pairing systemAny available opponent with similar rankingBest pairing based on points and tie breaks
Pairing wait timeHitro: ne čakaj na vse igralcePočasi: čakaj na vse igralce
Identical pairingPossible, but not consecutiveForbidden
Late joinDaDa, dokler se ne začne več kot polovica krogov
PremorDaDa, vendar se lahko zmanjša število krogov
Streaks and BerserkDaNe
Similar to OTB tournamentsNeDa
Unlimited and freeDaDa

Kdaj uporabiti švicarske turnirje namesto aren?Na švicarskem turnirju vsi udeleženci igrajo enako število iger in lahko med seboj igrajo le enkrat.
To je lahko dobra izbira za klube in uradne turnirje.


Kako se izračuna točke?Zmaga je vredna eno točko, remi je pol točke, izguba pa nič točk.
Kadar igralca v krogu ni mogoče seznaniti, prejme eno točko.


Kako se izračunajo neodločeni izidi?Z Ocena Sonneborn – Berger.
Dodajte rezultate vsakega nasprotnika, ki ga igralec premaga, in polovico rezultata vsakega nasprotnika, s katerim igralec remizira.


How are pairings decided?With the Dutch system, implemented by bbPairings, in accordance with the FIDE handbook.


What happens if the tournament has more rounds than players?When all possible pairings have been played, the tournament will be ended and a winner declared.


Why is it restricted to teams?Swiss tournaments were not designed for online chess. They demand punctuality, dedication and patience from players.
We think these conditions are more likely to be met within a team than in global tournaments.


How many byes can a player get?A player gets a bye of one point every time the pairing system can't find a pairing for them.
Additionally, a single bye of half a point is attributed when a player late-joins a tournament.


Kaj se zgodi pri zgodnjih remijih?V švicarskih igrah igralci ne morejo remizirati, preden je odigranih trideset potez. Čeprav ta ukrep ne more preprečiti vnaprej dogovorjenih remijev, pa vsaj otežuje sprotni dogovor o remiju.


What happens if a player doesn't play a game?Their clock will tick, they will flag, and lose the game.
Then the system will withdraw the player from the tournament, so they don't lose more games.
They can re-join the tournament at any time.


Kaj se naredi v zvezi z neprihodom?Igralci, ki se prijavijo na švicarske dogodke, vendar ne igrajo njihovih iger, so lahko problematični.
Da bi ublažil to težavo, Lichess igralcem, ki niso igrali igre, prepreči, da bi se za določen čas pridružili novemu švicarskemu dogodku.
Ustvarjalec švicarskega dogodka se lahko vseeno odloči, da mu dovoli, da se dogodku pridruži.


Can players late-join?Yes, until more than half the rounds have started; for example in a 11-rounds Swiss, players can join before round 6 starts and in a 12-rounds before round 7 starts.
Late joiners get a single bye, even if they missed several rounds.


Will Swiss replace arena tournaments?No. They're complementary features.


What about Round Robin?We'd like to add it, but unfortunately Round Robin doesn't work online.
The reason is that it has no fair way of dealing with people leaving the tournament early. We cannot expect that all players will play all their games in an online event. It just won't happen, and as a result most Round Robin tournaments would be flawed and unfair, which defeats their very reason to exist.
The closest you can get to Round Robin online is to play a Swiss tournament with a very high number of rounds. Then all possible pairings will be played before the tournament ends.


What about other tournament systems?We don't plan to add more tournament systems to Lichess at the moment.