
Elo Rating

19xx. That's an interesting rating. Is it higher or lower than 19xy?

"Ratings" come from many sources. Do you mean from FIDE? From USCF? Do you mean from Lichess? If so, Lichess ratings are easily seen. Are they also accurate? For Lichess ratings, yes!
@Noflaps said in #2:
> 19xx. That's an interesting rating. Is it higher or lower than 19xy?
> "Ratings" come from many sources. Do you mean from FIDE? From USCF? Do you mean from Lichess? If so, Lichess ratings are easily seen. Are they also accurate? For Lichess ratings, yes!
19xx=19xy=19xz FIDE
Ah, FIDE: the loveliest rating of all! The hippopotamus of ratings! Congratulations, well done!