
team power

3 members

jump to the winner and battle me
1st in charge: @NaTbEe
2nd in charge @D3_Man
3rd in charge @MrCalvatron
4th in charge @legend2222
if you get first in team battle i will make you leader(if monthly leader tournament (which are highly ubiquitous these days) then you will be a leader for a month. Yeah Natbee!
free trail: if you win me in racing kings i will make you a 7-day leader offer ends until 1/1/2022
if you are my friends then i will make u leader forever(just in case lichess closed my account and i get back to a new account)
freetrail people
Level- 1

Wait... guys..

MrCalvatron: Grammar Police. Edits the description.


do not bully people
do not harrase people
do not kick or force people out
do not spam
do not argue
team level:1