
Search "user:qwerty"

19 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Everything you want to know about Lichess v2#73

Would it be possible to allow resizing of the information panel and chat box in the same way you can resize the board?

Lichess Feedback - Everything you want to know about Lichess v2#46

I see you've already addressed this in the FAQ, but I want to emphasise that it's way too big. I tried for the first time today, but I wasn't fond of the UI. I'd rather continue playing here…

Lichess Feedback - Rematch acceptance takes player to analysis board#12

I posted about this a couple of months back, but I've been experiencing the problem for much longer than that. I have the same issue when proposing the rematch. I also use Firefox.

Lichess Feedback - New Interface#21

"I don't think a full-screen menu is necessary for a desktop targeted website, and we should be able to develop a menu more conducive to the environment that the application is being used in. We have …

Lichess Feedback - Invalid puzzle.#6

Ah, thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Invalid puzzle.#4

How do you get mate if black responds to 4. Nf5 with 4. Rg8?

Lichess Feedback - Rematches#1

Whenever I try give someone a rematch I am directed to the analysis page instead of the new game. This happens regardless of who proposed the rematch.

Game analysis - Analysis - Blunder#4

Nevermind, I found it. White Ne4.

Off-Topic Discussion - chess puzzle #1#5

Nevermind, that's wrong.

Off-Topic Discussion - chess puzzle #1#4

Qe1 followed by Nc4 if blacks blocks with the queen or Nc8 if it moves the king.
