
Search "user:danegraphics"

247 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Only getting paired with violation accounts, why?#2

Community Blog Discussions - A Secret Weapon for Handling Tough Positions and Bad Moods#4

Fantastic advice! Not just for chess but for life in general! As silly as it sounds, there are some things that really are that simple, and I'm really grateful for that. Thanks for the post!

Lichess Feedback - I don't want to play against Russian players#8

It's not like the Russian players are Putin himself. And it's not like they can't just remove or change their flag without you knowing. Just play them bro.

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Lichess Feedback - Percentage of success in puzzles#4

As stated above, a player with the same puzzle rating as the puzzle has a 50% chance of getting it right (which is how the rating is supposed to work). You can also estimate the number of players that…

Lichess Feedback - Add transpositions toggle in opening explorer settings.#2

If this doesn't get seen, I may just schedule some time over the next few months to try to add this myself. Though I would have to familiarize myself with the code base first, and that's... that's a l…

Lichess Feedback - Add transpositions toggle in opening explorer settings.#1

I think it would be helpful to be able to toggle the opening explorer data display to be based on transpositions instead of on moves. Currently, the opening explorer only shows the moves that have bee…

Lichess Feedback - Same puzzle, 2 different ratings#2

I would guess that the first rating is before you played the puzzle (2398) (showing what the rating was before you played it), and the other rating is from after you played the puzzle (2413). Probably…

Lichess Feedback - The direct opposition theme can be useful in the puzzles like

What do you mean by "direct opposition"? As far as I understand it, the principle of opposition is about kings getting past each other, and therefore doesn't apply in this situation since the white ki…

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