
Search "user:Pacotille"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Taking Lichess to the Next Level#70

Quoting Lester Freamon, damn

General Chess Discussion - Why is so crap?#19

I think like it was said before that famous youtubers play on cause they are paid, and this brings new players on It would be hard for lichess to do the same. There might not be a…

General Chess Discussion - Announcing the Personal Opening Explorer#39

Merci ! Thank you. Lichess is the best and as wikipedia they face the challenge of growing including more depense with no regular incomes. Thank you for this bravoure. I hope long live to free code

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Lichess Feedback - Custom lichess TV#1

Hi I think it could be interesting to be able to custom the lichess TV. When you watch it, it's almost always 1+0 games. Here is my suggestion : 1/ Keep the lichess TV in the current version for a sta…

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Lichess Feedback - New 960 chess#1

Hello, do you like 960 chess ? Me I like it And i'd love to see other original chess games like this one. Here's my suggestion : Pieces are at the good place, queen, pawns, roofs and king are ok. But …
