
Search "user:MassRefuge"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Option to turn off new arrows#8

Why are they on by default? And WHY is there no shortcut displayed to turn off these damn arrows like there is when you hover the mouse over inline notation?

Lichess Feedback - Option to turn off new arrows#11

Seriously what were they thinking? The purple arrows now break everything else that used to be great. 1. For example, during analysis mode mousing over the moves in opening explorer without clicking t…

Lichess Feedback - FIX Draw Offer abuse in Correspondence games#8

'one has plenty of time to look at the windows.' The whole point is that you dont look closely at the buttons after several moves. I suggest you try this to better understand what I am talking about. …

Lichess Feedback - FIX Draw Offer abuse in Correspondence games#3

The opponent comes online right after you move, playing the anticipated move in a lost position, when you respond with the obvious response he offers a draw immediately, making it look like your confi…

Lichess Feedback - FIX Draw Offer abuse in Correspondence games#1

Please change the draw offer window and confirm move windows in Correspondence games because at first glance they look very similar. A hilarious tactic worked recently when a Players in a hopeless pos…
