
Search "user:AsDaGo"

2028 forum posts
Game analysis - Probably the cleanest checkmate of all time#8

@Butcherooooo said in #4: > I actually faced sniper because i wasn't scared, and you never sent a challenge you ran and hid like a scared p u s > > Send a challenge or pipe down Go ahead and send me a…

Off-Topic Discussion - pls read this.#6

@Marakuya said in #5: > no it didn't flood luckily. they always lie for some reason. Like for example a few days ago they said that there will be large hail and winds up to 50 mph. but came out it was…

Off-Topic Discussion - Are there any video-games that explore the concept of human space colonization?#15

I used to play Endless Sky. Haven't played it in a while, but it's pretty good and seems to meet your criteria:

Game analysis - Probably the cleanest checkmate of all time#3

Hmm, déjà vu... Oh yeah, you're the guy who talks a big game and tries to beat up on players 500 points lower rated than you, but then when someone higher rated like me or @BishopSniper5 challenges yo…

Game analysis - Recreation of Lasker's double bishop sacrifice!#2

I wouldn't really call 22...Bxf3 "extremely inhuman."

General Chess Discussion - Thoughts on the queen's indian accelerated?#6

I don't know of any benefits of playing ...b6 before ...e6, and there are downsides as @Brian-E stated in #3. Is there a specific reason you want to play an early ...b6? If not, you should probably st…

Game analysis - How to ez win#4

You also made the mistake of assuming that we would magically know what game you're talking about without posting it.

Lichess Feedback - Automatic cheating detection#8

@Peter-developer01 said in #7: > I guess I didn't look back far enough. Hopefully you've learned your lesson and won't cheat again. I guess it does make a little more sense that it was a correspondenc…

Lichess Feedback - Automatic cheating detection#6

@cc10B said in #5: > I think he is trolling. That can't be taken seriously. There is no such game as he describes in his recent history, so you are surely right.
