
Players who resent one using their time.

Why would someone play a 15+15 game and then moan that their opponent takes time to move? Surely they should play bullet etc if they want speed.
I mean I wouldn't play bullet and then say "ohhh your going a bit fast arnt you" ?!
I think it's more a lower level phenomenon.
Why would someone moan that their opponent moans that they take time to move? Surely they'd turn the chat off if they didn't want to listen?

(in all seriousness I agree, your opponents should shut up or play shorter time controls)
@subconscious I have considered turning chat off but most players are reasonable so occasionally we do exchange pleasentries, I just thought I would take some time to moan a bit about 'time moaners'.
Exchange pleasantries before the game, go zen mode, exchange pleasantries after the game. It's what I do.
@MM1993 Yeah, Zen mode should come out of hiding and get some use ! i haven't actually used it before but may do, so that i don't know if i'm disappointing a potential ultra bullet player who accidentally went on 15+15 classical casual.
if they start yappin', i might just resign. i don't wanna hear no puppy yappin' at me. they can choke on the rating points.

in any event, they got no right to yap about time in a time control game. if someone is yappin' at me, i figure once the coup de grace comes, they'll just storm off. may as well get it over and just resign. move on. let em choke.
@pawnmulch Yeah, it's amazing how many players send messages like "zzzzzzzz zzz" and "let's"! when the games in play, as if they're above it all and doing us a favour playing lol.
I just respond "lol". It's a nice way to make these folks even more angry. :P
@MrScribbles it's just odd why these players feel the need to 'moan' about opponents use of their own time, I would have thought that if someone wants to take longer in the opening per move or endgame etc then that's their business.
Of course I guess there's exceptions to this in blitz or bullet where it's not really in the spirit of the game to take time thinking too long per move but 15+15 classical casual is where one can take time per move which is why I play it because I'm not high rated or great at Chess so need 15+15.

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