
How did you find lichess?

Um, I go to chess class online and he introduced lichess., and I don't know how I found forums lmao
My school blocked chessdotcom. I looked up other free sites and found this. I’m very happy I did.

Someone I knew posted something on the forums and I saw the notification pop up.
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> I turned left at the Azores.
MrPushwood, we all know now that the tyranny of against you is the reason you’re here. How ironic that they want you back.
I went to offline chess classes
So when COVID came it was shifted to online
And my coach said in group that we will start in lichess.

Forum also came in front of my eyes after 2 year of being in lichess
@dstne said in #12:
> My school blocked chessdotcom.
Amazing decision making skills from your school staff.
I introduced another to a different website. Later, he found this place on his own, and told me that this place was better. In some ways, he turned out to be correct, although the other site had one feature that was quite wonderful and that I still miss from time to time.

But life is a balancing act, and so I broke up with my other chess site, despite a long and happy marriage to it. Chessically, this website is like "the other woman."

But my spouse needn't worry. Some things ARE forever. I remain loyal to spouses, spaniels and the hippo till death does us part.
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