
It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm sorry it's just that i'm rlly excited because im done with tests and assignments for the week lol
I'm semi-retired. If I wasn't working part time, picking up private work where and when I can, it would be all too easy to let one day drift into another into a meaningless blur. Come to think of it, when I was working in a factory back in Canada, it was way too easy to let one day slide into another. "And the only relief that I received/Was nearer my God to thee" -John Prine. Thank whatever gods one might for work that has intrinsic meaning. Because I've found it for myself.

It has been joked (and more seriously stated) that the purpose of school is to prepare young people for a life in which they are going to be miserable prisoners, subject to the arbitrary whims of authorities who don't give a rat's tail about their well being. That for 99%+ of the world, the purpose of life is to do what you are told and endure it until you are no longer useful to the bosses. I've been there, and have a lot of sympathy for anyone who is, whether in school or in work.

"Everybody's working for the weekend" True enough, but try something different. Try working on your chains a little bit. Loosen them a little bit. Work for yourself; and then, when the time and circumstances are right, make your break. You'll be glad you tried. Even when the dogs are on to you.

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