
Engine suggesting nonsense and every position is 0.0

The browser analysis is currently suggesting 0.0 for every position and nonsense moves that just lose material. The server analysis when you click 'request a computer analysis' seems to be working fine. e.g this game if you turn on engine analysis it says the position is 0.0, as well as this game
I noticed the same problem.

More specifically, it happens with Stockfish 16 NNUE 7MB.
The evaluations appear normal until it reaches depth 30-40. Then it suddenly drops to 0.0.
Today in the morning I had SF 16 and other options (3 in total). Now it seems that this new feature has disappeared and i have only Sf14. Does somebody know more?
@wheato96 said in #1:
> The browser analysis is currently suggesting 0.0 for every position and nonsense moves that just lose material. The server analysis when you click 'request a computer analysis' seems to be working fine. e.g this game if you turn on engine analysis it says the position is 0.0, as well as this game
True bro I had a tournament today and I had to analyse the game and boy did I regret it thanks to this engine

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