
Clock freezing and have to refresh the game

Anyone else experience this bug? Windows 10 on Chrome. Not sure how to reproduce or what the cause is, but probably once or twice a day I'll make a move and nothing happens, the game freezes up and I have to hard refresh the browser. Then when I'm back the move never happened and my clock is ticking. I usually lose about 10 seconds when this happens, from the time it takes to realize that the server is not recognizing the move, to refreshing and making the move again.

Really frustrating bug to have, especially in fast time controls.
Never had connection issues before over years of playing, and don't experience any sort of connection problems with other websites. Just really strange, started maybe a week ago.
me too l no longer play lichess since last 2 weeks cause my clock isnt appearing n my games are all freezing just help me guys

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