
Three Feature Requests

First of all, this is the best online chess site I have ever found, so thank you to the creators. Here are three things I think would drastically improve the site.

1) A search engine for the forums, already suggested here:

(Probably suggested more times, but I only browsed up to page 10 (ironically, this is the reason we need it))

2) Undo Move option. Similar to offering a draw, both players would have to agree on taking the move back and you could only request it once per move.

3) Friends list. It's nice to play with nice people you meet with similar skill levels to improve.

1) Yeah it's planned. I just need some time to do it now.

2) It's in my todolist but with low priority. I recognize the use case but in theory it should not exist. In theory.

3) Hmmm I try to keep the social features to the bare minimum to avoid the "yet another facebook clone" effect. Maybe a list of the players wich you play the most could do.
Regarding the friends list, I have considered writing down the names of players who I'd like to play again in the "tell us about yourself" box on your personal page. This is a temporary solution, but
a final product doesn't have to be much more complicated. I understand the desire to keep this site clutter free so maybe there could be some sort of personal notepad for this and other ideas. Just a

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