
Rating related question

in every player's profile, the rating is showed like this:
"2097 ±124"
i dont really know what does the "±124" mean, and i couldnt find it anywhere :/
can someone please explain it to me?
It's the 90% confidence interval. That is to say "the rating system is 90% sure that your actual rating is somewhere in the range of 2097 ±124"
To expound on the previous post, ±124 means that your rating is plus or minus 124 points of 2097.
If I'm a 1720 and a 1650 who has played 4 games beats me, will it lower my rating less than if a 1650 who has played 13,458 games beats me? Just curious if the rating algorithm is open source or where it's from.
I'm fairly confident that your rating will be affected the same.

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