
Help! Nothing my friend says in chat gets posted to other players!

So my friend is

I watching him this afternoon, and logged onto my account. Then I noticed I couldn’t see any of his chat! He posted on the forum about this, but I couldn’t see that either? mathwhiz16 seems to be banned from saying anything in all of lichess…… Please help!!!!!!
Please ask the administration why the ban happens..they are likely to be willing to unban him....
Same sort of thing happened to my other account several months ago. My chats and messages stopped going through. Figured it was some sort of glitch as I'm generally careful to use appropriate language.
Have your friend file a report (reason - other) explaining the situation. The mods will review why the chat ban was enacted and either remove it or contact him/her regarding why it happened and/or what needs to be done to have it removed. That'd be my guess as to the simple way to resolve it anyway. Messaging mods directly on behalf of your friend seems like a bad way to go about it.

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