
I got more time than my opponent

When I played a one minute bullet game I got over a minute and my opponent got exactly one minute when the game ended I had one minute and 33 seconds left on the clock what could be causing this?
game link below
The restart or maybe your opponent added some time for you?
Must have been additional time by opponent, there is no lichess function to cause this if you were not playing a simul ( which obv. is not the case). It seems that it happened on move 8.
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It's been a while, but I think extra time shows up in the private chat log. What do you see there?
@Haymarket said in #4:
> Seems to me like you had time added after moves 7... and 18...
> Both players having more time than they should sounds like something that happens after server restarts. But then, you got extra time twice... maybe there was a server restart, you both received an extra minute, some time later your opponent noticed he had been given extra time and he concluded it was you so he decided to return the favor and added you one minute :)
or maybe his opponent just game him time twice. :)

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