
Lucena Endgame Study

Philidor's position added! Both what the winning side hopes for and the drawing strategy for the defending side!

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I have a question about:

Lucena: Rook Pawns I

It says that this position is won for white but how exactly is it winning if black moves towards the pawn with the king instead away from it?

In this case this would be 1 ... Kc6 (instead of Kd6)
It is not winning. My guess is that the position was intended to be black king on c8, not c7.

Then it is indeed winning.

Of course, 1...Kc6 would be an interesting reply to 1.Rc4+ :)
Thanks for mentioning the error, it has now been fixed.

Taking into account of the exception, I have added 2 chapters: 'Lucena: Rook Pawns Ib' on the exception and how it works (Ia is fixed) and also another one on how to win this type of situation with non-rook pawns (I think it comes straight after the Rook pawn series).


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