
Lichess Dating Agency

Hi, my name is ... uhm you may call me Rise, I'm 26 years old and I like girls with big ... uhm

Let us folks come up with some pick up lines while we're waiting for the opponent to play.
A very pokemon and lichess captcha specific (since I'm seeing it below. . .and in my nightmares) line that comes to mind immediately is, "Imma captcha you in one move!".
Trivialty apart, (but keep it going, s'il vous plait!) Sofi from canada mentioned relevancy. Apart from the question of what's love and other confusing things beyond even computer analysis, the strike rate here would be too little, obviously because of the stark ratio of male to female, and the as of now, lesser provisions for display of personal info, which obviously isn't the objective of this site.
But valentine's day should make the chess board or pieces marroon hued with pink, or have it as an option in the schemes. I'm just blabbering.
Signing out,
I'm not quite so sure about the men to women ratio...I strongly suspect a lot of women are playing on here under the guise of men because it may tarnish their 'I'm no geek!' ego. Surely - it must be the case? Us men for instance have 'Cross Dressing Wednesdays' women probably have the equivalent - "Change the fuse Thursdays" or "Play Lichess Sundays".
"Play Lichess Sundays"????? Interesting.

I'm a guy: Cross Dressing Wednesdays???????? WHAT THE HECK??
Oh yes, 'em satin and heels memories. Ah. *Sips cider.*
@chunkymonkey / 24

Honestly, aside from the occasional closet transgender or paranoid girl, most people pick the gender they are.
Most people play the gender they are.*

That being said, it is important to note that you actually have no real way of telling gender unless someone blatantly corrects you, or they have an obviously male/female name.

I had a friend online for years named Shadowlord09 on an MMORPG who I automatically assumed was a male based on the gaming demographics of the time.
But, one day, we got on webcam out of curiosity, and much to my surprise, Shadowlord09 was actually a camel who I invented for the purpose of this anecdote.

The point is, you can't really tell someone's gender from their username, unless it's a blatant username that has their first name in it or a feminine/masculine identity (prince/princess, king/queen, etc.)
So basically, in all probability, reply#28's author is feminine. Yet another fish in the pawnd, folks. Articulate and intelligent at that too! Or a camel whose intelligence surpasses mine by leaps and bounds. Or a feminine camel, for the optimistic Sherlock.
everybody: this was just a joke (i hope) its already awkward and weird so does have to be anymore?

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