
Bug - Move confirmation keeps periodically being disabled from profile

I have move confirmation set as on for all time controls. Periodically the move confirmation keeps being randomly disabled so I start a game or go back to a correspondence game and there is suddenly no move confirmation enabled. I then re-enable it and then 1-2 weeks later it is suddenly off again (I don't know the exact period as it seems a bit random).
This seems to be happening to me, too. I enabled move confirmation for correspondence (which I thought was already enabled) yesterday, and it was disabled again this morning.
I find if I change one setting let's say zen mode on or off then confirmation resets to none. I just try to remember to check before starting
@Sweaterkev Looks like that's it. I can reliably clear my move confirmation settings by toggling either "Zen mode" or "Show player ratings." (Only tested via Preferences, not in game.)

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