
Best Football team in Germany

I think the best football team in Germany is FC Bayern Munich. Second best is Borussia Dortmund. Bayern is way clear than Dortmund. Looks like I will create a war in the reply section!
I believe the most ethnic Germans play or played in Freiburg. So S.C. (Sports Club) Freiburg is the real german champion. Forget the other clubs. There are too many Arabs and africans. Watch a Bundesliga game and you think it is the Africa cup or Arab cup. Welcome to Germany where the Germans got brainwashed by their criminal medias and corrupted politicians! Germany became a shithole, not only since opening its borders 2015!
@chessexplorer275 said in #3:
> I believe the most ethnic Germans play or played in Freiburg. So S.C. (Sports Club) Freiburg is the real german champion. Forget the other clubs. There are too many Arabs and africans. Watch a Bundesliga game and you think it is the Africa cup or Arab cup. Welcome to Germany where the Germans got brainwashed by their criminal medias and corrupted politicians! Germany became a shithole, not only since opening its borders 2015!

I guess you are still upset that the 1935 Racial Purity Acts were repealed by force in 1945.
@ed01106 said in #5:
> I guess you are still upset that the 1935 Racial Purity Acts were repealed by force in 1945.

If you pay attention to the consequences of forced multiculturalization, you will see that multiculturalization is not particularly beneficial for the local population. You are an American: So you should know that the Americans, in collaboration with NATO, are causing the flow of refugees. Through bombs, terror and illegal wars. What counts is the right of the strongest. Of course, the Americans attacked the Irish twice in a very "democratic" way in the Gulf Wars. The flow of refugees was directed to Europe from Afghanistan, from the illegal invasion of Libya, from Iraq and so on. The same applies to Syria. The perpetrators are always the Americans and their criminal allies. The so-called axis of good. Of course, all opponents belong to the axis of evil. We know this from the Western American controlled media. The Americans should take in the refugees as punishment, not the Europeans? This forced mass immigration is destroying entire states culturally. You Americans can't know this: you've never had anything like a culture. You don't know Beethoven. You have and have never had values: loyalty, hard work, sense of duty, decency, legal awareness, enthusiasm for achievement, punctuality. Whether you want to hear it or not. After 1945, these values were destroyed bit by bit in Germany through a culturally destructive plan. There was a real process of decomposition, not just in Germany. Also in France, England, the Netherlands, etc. An Americanization (and this is not meant in a positive way) of the entire society - i.e. a cultural decline on all levels.
@chessexplorer275 said in #6:
> After 1945, these values were destroyed bit by bit in Germany through a culturally destructive plan. There was a real process of decomposition, not just in Germany. Also in France, England, the Netherlands, etc. An Americanization (and this is not meant in a positive way) of the entire society - i.e. a cultural decline on all levels.

Much of what you describe is self-inflicted. Maybe if Germany had not followed that dude with the moustache and descended into a genocidal and destructive madness, much of what you say would not have happened.

And maybe if the treaty of Versailles had been about peace more than about reparations, there would have been no crazy dude with a moustache in the first place.


What you can be sure of, there is no turning back, and now the future of Europe is multiethnic and multicultural, for the better and the worse.
@m011235 said in #8:
Yes I know there will not be a turning back. You are right about all you say.

On German television they are now discussing stopping immigration because the municipalities and cities cannot and do not want to accept any more foreigners. But none of these damn traitor politicians are talking about repatriating these foreigners. The game is over. If anything, you will only deport a percentage of the foreigners and in doing so you will again cheat and cheat the local ethnic population by distracting from what is really important.

By just talking about stopping migration, foreigners are not going back to their home countries. The great plan to destroy the Western European states is in full swing. Game over.

You mentioned Hitler:
Hitler is not responsible for the decision to replace the white Europeans after the war. That would be like blaming him for opening the borders in 2015, but in reality the opening of the borders in 2015 was avertable. The democracies blame Hitler and the nationalist sections of the population for everything that doesn't work. But in reality they have only found in him the perfect scapegoat to distract from their own democratic wars and coups. The unnecessary recruitment of foreigners began in the 1950s. Turks, Italians who in reality were never necessary for the Western European economies but just a ploy to bring the first foreigners to Europe and to later speed up the immigration process - until there was no turning back. This process has increased in all white progressive states: Germany, England, France, Sweden, Netherlands and so on. So there is a system behind it. This is like a form of reverse racism directed against white people. White people are becoming mentally ill from these types of policies. That makes her depressed. Depressed people have fewer children. There are also no significant political programs that promote the birth rate of native whites. In return, foreigners are placed at the center of political attention, while white Europeans gradually become a minority and are replaced.

I used google translate. Hope you understand.

In my opinion, your sprawling, crude theories and strange interpretations of history have no place here in this thread! So I suggest you create a new thread to reach a larger audience who will then discuss with you. The title could, for example, be:
“Race theory in Europe with particular reference to the colonial past and military conflicts”

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