
Ursa major

I was camping one time,in my sleeping bag with my head to the north when suddenly the sky(in Arizona) became particularly clear and the head of a giant bear became visible in ursa major.very clear and finely I know what the name means but this was different than the star charts depicting the constellation.has anyone else seen this?
Different in what way? Actually, I don't think I've identified Ursa Major in the sky, only part of it (the Big Dipper).
@rachel8 usually depicted as a bear walking across the sky,this was the giant face of a bear.probably included stars from other circumpolar constellations.i had backpacked to 9000 ft. so the sky was already really clear.most likely pareidolia
Hmmm, I'll have to look for it the next time I get a chance! Maybe someone else has seen that. That must've been great for viewing the sky, to be far away from any lights. My husband would love to be out there with one of his telescopes.
I haven't seen any constellation yet ( i'm 10 bruh ) but I read a lot about them and have seen Ursa Major in pictures it's one of my favourite constellations

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