
Lichess Dating Agency

It'll be something do with the producers or rights holders wanting to restrict the distribution so they can maybe sell it to a broadcaster over here in Europe
Aww. In reply to somebody who posted something a few posts back, there exists a man with the name of a woman character! He didn't do it for getting attention now, but lichess has an outlier!

There are always outliers. Some outliers take up the name of a female arbitrarily, or specifically to offend the kind of men who are offended by women speaking out.
Oh this user did it for the sheer exhuberance of the character at hand. Why can't one embellish oneself with jewels of the opposite sex? So. . . I want to be a Kadarshian, was my thesis paper for nursery just yesterday. :) Please percieve that as a joke. Pretend to laugh atleast. It'll massage 'em abdomen muscles good. :))
#41... John Oliver should be president... xD

#35... People who act so callously are ridiculous.

Targeting b/c of gender/ethnicity/sexuality/etc. is useless... Find anyone who does it here... report 'em and hellbanned they'll be.

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