
Kasparov is a terrorist

The only surprise is that it took them so long to put him on that list, I would rather expect his name to be one of the first. Must be quite disappointing for him...
@Sarg0n said in #1:
> As of today, Kasparov is a terrorist^^

He is truly a Genius.

The only opposition figure with some relevance that managed to be still alive.
@Cyncko-3000 said in #4:
> Wait , what?! How? But what??!!! Kasparov is a t3rror1st??

every person to act against the Russian regime is a "terrorist" in the eyes of Russia
Be on the lookout for a heavily armed GM with an extensive chess library. Do not approach him. Contact authorities immediately.
@weplaychess90 said in #6:

> The only opposition figure with some relevance that managed to be still alive.

He probably already knew more aged 5 about the use of opposition in the endgame than most of us ever will :)

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