
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
Ability to Hide Match History vs Opponent1
by mkubecek
Is it Lichess, or me and my connection and Laptop ?10
by AsDaGo
Custom Chess sets5
by petri999
Lichess Shorts.4
by FreedBeast219
by iris_mex
Too much space on the UI5
by Akbar2thegreat
Do the lichess developers check the forum for bug reports?3
by dboing
Очередной баг сайта из-за которого я лишился победы.1
by AOOP09
Interesting game played by me. Don’t know what happened2
by <erased>
cant change email address already exausted all routes to any help1
by scarpentus
Suggestion: Colored Text in Study Comments/Annotations5
by dboing
by AOOP09
Issues with Registration in a school1
by for_cryingout_loud
I can't analyze games with Stockfish 163
by falconf7
Lichess studies; is there a limit?3
by glbert