
Improving at Chess

Chess is hard, well thats at least what everyone thinks (or...say). Anyway, I believe its a myth. You know the story of the fox and grapes? In a nutshell, the fox is hungry and there is grapes on a tree. Unfortunately the fox can't reach the grapes so they can either be consent with the fact that they are not smart enough to get the grapes and go look for easier food, they can go and seek help from a friend (maybe a giraffe, if they are good friends of course) or they can keep trying to jump, maybe by chance they will eventually get the grapes, but I doubt they will ever get the grapes that way.

Now, you see where I am getting at? Its all up to the fox how they want to go about it. Same to you. Imagine you are the fox and chess is the grapes. You can either:
1. Tell yourself that you are not smart enough to learn or improve your game, you
2. Keep gathering resources, reading books watching videos and consulting experts or
3. Keep playing, telling yourself that you are smart enough to win without any help, not knowing where you are going wrong.
So, its entirely up to you, whether you are 10 or 50 years old, woman or man, from Africa, America, Antarctica, Australia or Asia.
Goodluck with your chess, and dont forget to hit me up if you need any help. My details are on my profile