
Search "user:rick"

29 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Opponent moved 10 times with only 00:00.2 time left#1

Hyperbullet game, i premoved everything on the last 10 seconds to win on time since opponent had almost non left. He managed to pull 10 moves with .2 seconds left with the timer on his side not moving…

General Chess Discussion - Happy 10 years on Lichess @german11 !#8

@Pi_Addict111 said in #7: > Wow. I guess that's what we call an OG username I guess so, but still didnt get congratulated by you, Thibault or any other of the OG home boys

General Chess Discussion - How can i know if an opponent in Lichess is using beads to cheat?#1

Usually play bullet games and have faced some users who behave like bots, after the Carlsen situation Im worried about having to play beads cheaters

General Chess Discussion - Happy 10 years on Lichess @german11 !#6

Why didn’t you make a thread for my 10 years?

General Chess Discussion - How to stop getting flagged as a sandbagger?#22

I was 1900 about 5 yrs ago, moved to a different house since then. Since the game is based on time and i have the slower connection im stuck at 1500s now

General Chess Discussion - How to stop getting flagged as a sandbagger?#1

Hello friends, i have have been here for 12 years, im probably one of the first 100 users. I have been recently getting system alerts advising me to stop “sandbagging”, which didnt happen for the firs…

General Chess Discussion - What is a chess scumbag? (PM pic)#1

Got harrassed by a user via PM and i cant even answer to ask what he meant?, first and last message, user blocked me so i cant pm This is the screenshot of the PM

Lichess Feedback - Lichess seems much slower now#6

So what are we suppose to do?

Lichess Feedback - Lichess seems much slower now#5

So why would they change something that worked perfectly?

Lichess Feedback - Lichess seems much slower now#1

I have been a lichess user almost since it started operating. Atleast for 3 years... Last time I used Lichess was 6 months ago and it was still working great, really fast and the system loaded my move…
