
Search "user:blueberrymania"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Cheating Epidemic#1

It seems to me that we have an epidemic of cheating on the site. Just yesterday I played against someone who was playing a mirror version of our game against Stockfish 8 (where they were making my mov…

General Chess Discussion - Why does the pairing system on this site so strongly protect polished garbage players?#23

#16 I do not make any claims as to the relation between "polished trash" and this site's pairing system. I simply state that I think I understand what OP means by polished trash.

General Chess Discussion - Why does the pairing system on this site so strongly protect polished garbage players?#15

Two things here. 1. I understand what he means by polished trash. What he speaks of is likely players who are infatuated by their queen and either don't know or don't practice opening theory. However,…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Achievments!#2

You could have an achievement called "All your piece are belong to us" which would involve a win streak for Horde Chess

Lichess Feedback - Bug Report: Game Analysis#3

@lego00 no, it had not. Furthermore, if you examine the board, the suggested move for black (I'm doing the "fix your mistakes" for white here) yields a direct fork between bishop and king (28 . . . Rd…

Lichess Feedback - Bug Report: Game Analysis#1

Hi, as you can see in the below image, the "best move" for white yields -13.4 advantage, whereas the actual move which was played yielded -9 advantage.

General Chess Discussion - Why the Opposition to Draws?#113

Okay, this thread has devolved into nothing but BobC insulting everyone and everyone insulting him back. Can we bring the discussion back to the actual topic, please? I prefer that discourse be civili…

General Chess Discussion - Why the Opposition to Draws?#56

@BobC I can easily beat people who are in the 1600s, but get PWNd by people who are in the 1200s to 1300s. The reason? I have trouble when my opponent plays unorthodoxedly (particularly when they brin…

Game analysis - My First Zwischenzug (Move 20)#11

Ah, now I understand. Thanks.
