
behaviour of players seems strange

just played a game
looked even to me
no obvious threats
just into the middle game
and the guy resigns

is he just trying out his openings or what

other times we play one move by white
and they either aborted or quit after the first few

are they looking for a specific opening and abort ones they dont like ?

and dont get me started on the many games where i have a big material advantage and they let the clock run out over a period of several minutes.

we need to track folks who lose on time and ban them if they do it intentionally.

If a player resigns for no obvious on-the-board reason then they probably either got fed up of the game (I've quit against the computer for that reason) or had to do something else IRL. This is especially likely in unrated games.

I agree that vexatiously running down one's clock ought to be disallowed, but it's not really possible to enforce that. Say you've got a mate in 3 and the other player takes 15 minutes to reply, they could be running the clock down out of spite or they could be looking for a way to avoid getting mated.
I don't see where running down a clock should be an issue at all. The game was entered into with an agreement that each player is allotted a certain amount of time. There are no caveats to as how the time shall be used.

legal yes
ethical no

if you are abandoning the game the proper thing to do is resign not just walk away

although i did hear of one old grandmaster doing that once
i can see that as possible

at least they resigned
did not just walk away

would be nice to get chat saying phone call or have to answer door or something
@oldegeezer As @Chess69em said, you are allowed to let your clock tick down. This is more of a question of ethics than banning players. However, if players do constantly about their games, they will be timed out.
Sometimes I lose internet connection. Otherwise I never abandon games.

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