
My opponent had 0 seconds, but I lost

No, you had 0 seconds left. He still had time.
@AOOP09 said in #2:
> No, you had 0 seconds left. He still had time.

No. It shows 0.8 seconds for Black left, and 0.0 for White.

OP was playing black.
Yeah sometimes it show that both players have 0 secs left but someone wins. Try turning on tenth of seconds in the settings. It's not actually 0 secs it's just that someone has time below 1 sec. But u had 0 secs left.
Black had still 0.8 @Cyncko-3000 said in #4:
> Yeah sometimes it show that both players have 0 secs left but someone wins. Try turning on tenth of seconds in the settings. It's not actually 0 secs it's just that someone has time below 1 sec. But u had 0 secs left.

Did you actually care to have a look at the clocks?
Here is a link to the game which shows White's clock at 0.0 seconds, Black's at 0.8:

My explanation is that White still had some milliseconds left after 61.Ke3 although their time was rounded down to 0.0 seconds, and Arseniy failed to make his move within the 0.8 seconds that were left for him. If you overstep the time limit, the clock is not updated to reflect that.
@nadjarostowa said in #5:
> Black had still 0.8
> Did you actually care to have a look at the clocks?
Yes I know that it says 1 sec remaining for the opp. but what I mentioned is also a possible scenario...
So the clock shows the time *before* the move in the analysis, which is a reasonable explanation.

As even with tenth of a second enabled it shows zero, I would suggest to round up anything that is smaller than the least significant digit so that it shows a 1 there, in order to stop confusion.

I think I used to see 1/100 of seconds, but not sure if this also applied to the analysis view afterwards.
@nadjarostowa said in #3:
> No. It shows 0.8 seconds for Black left, and 0.0 for White.
> OP was playing black.
As @Cyncko-3000 stated, sometimes it doesn't show the exact time but OP lost becuase of time. Therefore, it means OP had 0 seconds left.

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