
Should a resignation always be a loss?

I was playing a game earlier against the computer on easy. I gobbled up all of it's material. Mating wouldn't have been difficult, I probably had more material than I started with seeing as I promoted a couple of extra queens. Looked the board over, and said there is no sport left in this game, and clicked resign.

Then it counted as a Loss. However should it really?

How could that even be possible?

1) Had I just went afk, and my clock dropped to 0 I would have gotten at least a draw.

2) There was 0 ways for the computer to deliver mate as it had 0 pieces but the king, and it could not even check me even if I wanted it to.

3) computers lack an "offer draw" button

Should not a "resignation" simply be the equivalent of setting your clock to 0? If they got enough to mate they win, if they don't it's drawn.
Secondary note, there have also been games where both of our kings were locked onto our side of the board, and no pawn breaks allowed, and nobody could take anything, everything totally locked up could play a million moves and nothing would change, resigning in such a position should be a draw as well no?
First of all, you are a doofus :) If you are winning completely, just win the freaking game, you obviously don't get what a resignation is supposed to be.
Bro the resign button is literally for you to forfeit the game and say "OK! I lost!". The system is fine.
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Would not a better suggestion be: tweak the stockfish settings on lichess so it resigns when in a totally lost position?

Not like a rook down in the middlegame, that's too far, but bare king vs multiple pieces, it shouldn't be "praying for stalemate" IMHO.
Maybe there should be a claim draw option when opp has only the king left.

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