
This idea could revolutionize Lichess game analysis

Do you guys go and analyze your games? Well, it’s great if you do! But the way the analysis is is something I want changed.
1. Stockfish NEVER shows your brilliant or great (! and !!) which is just sad...
2. Sometimes stockfish says that some casual development move is a blunder. Why?? What is the reasoning behind the blunder? How is it a blunder?
I think if Lichess can improve on this, it could revolutionize[but I will NEVER quit Lichess =)]
What do you think?
From computers point of view there is no great moves. there is just best move and all sorts mistakes. As explaining why it is a blunder. very hard with chess engine unless it just loses material. Example you mentioned can all sorts of things.
- there was a tactic or just simple taking undefended piece you missed
- developed a piece when you should have responded to a tactical threat
- it was a bad place for a piece and it blocks your other pieces etc.. these are rare.
- something

Poor chess engine can give you variations for bot moves if request them but it will not be able explain it in human terms. Not for while at least
"1. Stockfish NEVER shows your brilliant or great (! and !!) which is just sad"
My moves are all brilliant.

2. Sometimes stockfish says that some casual development move is a blunder. Why??
Who cares what a stupid engine says.
@vivaangoyal22 brilliant moves are a gimmick. They award a brilliant move to every pseudo sacrifice. Like the typical Bxf7+ when your knight on f3 is pinned by the Bishop on g4 and that bishop is undefended is considered a brilliant move every time.
Lichess engine isn't perfect, for example, I had a position that was say, 1.0 to white, and engine recommends a move for black that when played, the board is now 3.0 for white (from memory, the difference was significant enough to remember). On a superficial level its easy to say that well it shouldn't have increased to 3.0 right? The devil is in the details however because just making a move lets the engine see another "ply" (level of moves it evaluates) and that means its seeing a new position deep down in that evaluation tree.

Its probably going to get more wierd for us mere mortals as engines are now using neural network (or other similar non procedural tech) and its going to be even harder in some cases to explain the engine as neural networks are difficult to understand because they aren't "coded" by humans, they develop weights by training instead of explicit rules and position evaluations that are the mainstay of chess programs that don't use the new non procedural AI.
Your idea will not revolutionize Lichess whatsoever. It is a negligible change.
>What is a brilliant or great move?

A random ! or !! annotation to your move following your opponent's mistake or blunder, to make you feel better.
@bufferunderrun There must be a fault with lichess. I can’t remember getting a random ! Much less a !! But I’ve had loads of ??

I thank heavens that lichess doesn’t have an ROFL/PMSL comment in game analysis.

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