
Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Hits Turkey and Syria

A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit southeast Turkey and Syria early Monday, toppling buildings and sending panicked residents pouring outside in a cold winter night.

The epicenter of the 7.8-magnitude quake was 23 kilometers (14.2 miles) east of Nurdagi, in Turkey's Gaziantep province, at a depth of 24.1 kilometers (14.9 miles), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said.

A series of aftershocks have reverberated throughout the day. The largest, a major quake that measured 7.5 in magnitude, hit in Turkey about nine hours after the initial quake, according to the USGS. That aftershock hit around 95 kilometers (59 miles) north of the original.

At least 1,541 people were killed across 10 provinces of Turkey, with another 9,733 injured, according to the country’s disaster management agency.

The death toll in government-held areas of Syria rose to more than 430 people, with 1,280 injured, according to data from the health ministry. In the country’s north-west where the government is not in control, groups that operate there said the death toll was at least 380, with many hundreds injured.

The number is expected to continue to rise rapidly, with many people believed to be trapped under rubble in collapsed buildings.
It was a terrifying night that still have its impact on us till now, im from Lebanon we didn't have any damages or death but the horror was immense, my deepest consolation to all the people who lost their beloved one through those mentioned countries,
it was a night that can never be forgotten.
Condolences to everyone stricken.

Many houses collapsed from the earthquake. They should investigate how they were built. If any crime were involved in the building of the houses the criminals should be prosecuted.

Houses built to earthquake safety standards should not collapse.
Scary. Wishing the injured to recover well, and RIP to all who died. Not a great way to start the year.
Oh yeah but the Americans have a specialised rescue team specialised in standing a d doing nothing, b-bUT they are still on their way there. US is a joke.
@AOOP09 said in #1:
> A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit southeast Turkey and Syria early Monday, toppling buildings and sending panicked residents pouring outside in a cold winter night.
> The epicenter of the 7.8-magnitude quake was 23 kilometers (14.2 miles) east of Nurdagi, in Turkey's Gaziantep province, at a depth of 24.1 kilometers (14.9 miles), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said.
> A series of aftershocks have reverberated throughout the day. The largest, a major quake that measured 7.5 in magnitude, hit in Turkey about nine hours after the initial quake, according to the USGS. That aftershock hit around 95 kilometers (59 miles) north of the original.
> At least 1,541 people were killed across 10 provinces of Turkey, with another 9,733 injured, according to the country’s disaster management agency.
> The death toll in government-held areas of Syria rose to more than 430 people, with 1,280 injured, according to data from the health ministry. In the country’s north-west where the government is not in control, groups that operate there said the death toll was at least 380, with many hundreds injured.
> The number is expected to continue to rise rapidly, with many people believed to be trapped under rubble in collapsed buildings.

I aint reading allat B)))

Nah jk i knew that already

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